» 20 DAYS CHALLENGE: 3 favorite tv shows ♡

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Today I want to share with you my favorite  tv shows. Of course, I will not publish the entire list. 

1. Pretty little liars 
I think that everyone heard about this tv-show. Exactly, I don't remember when I started to watch the show "pretty little liars". Think with the 2nd season. In the tv show I really like - intrigue. You just look what beautiful actors. The main thing that is very important – until the end of the season and remains an intrigue who is this "A". Even in the show a lot of sharp turns, unpredictable plot, lots of killing and even just the terrible situations! The series a pleasure to watch!

2. Gossip girl
The whole series is intriguing, scandal, sex, friendship. Many fall in love with the handsome Nate, in outfits,  in the soundtrack and someone loves the story and New York! But the plot is quite simple. I honestly don't remember who was with whom in a relationship, because each of the characters had an incredible amount of lovers. But the series revolves around the love of  pairs of Chuck/Blair and Serena/Dan. I suggest you to watch this TV show, it's nice to plunge into the world of luxury and wealth and i understand that the rich also cry.

3. The Carrie Diaries
"The Carrie diaries" is the prequel of the cult series "sex and the city" about the life of young Carrie Bradshaw.  The series is a very easy, interesting and fun.  Carrie a high school girl who lives with her father and sister. They recently lost  mother and everyone in the family in their going through it. For two seasons the heroes, many times, are faced with a difficult choice: love or study, love or sex, truth or lies, your dream job or the dream job of his father, resentment or forgiveness and so on.



  1. I saw all these series and I loved it! :)


  2. Omg Gossip Girl and The Carrie Diaries were my favorite show!

  3. I love your blog, inspire me so much! Sorry for my english, i'm from Spain.
    The look it's amazing, and i love the details!
    Come back to my little blog, I'm beginning to write.


  4. I absolutely love Pretty Little Liars! Probably my favorite series with Everwood (a series nobody ever knows haha).

    Nina x

  5. These are the best choices! I wish they'd put The Carrie Diaries on Netflix, I've only watched the first couple of episodes!
