»photo diary | Kyshtym ♡

Friday, 27 November 2015

The post I was supposed to publish back in October. But due to time constraints, I somehow forgot about it. Today I will show the pictures that I did when we went on a tour in the old town of Kyshtym. The city is rich in its history, there appeared the first hospital, Church, manor house and most beautiful in the area is mountains. And, of course, we climbed to the top to enjoy wonderful views of the mountains. 500 meters in height was worth it to see the surreal beauty.  However the weather let up a bit, it was very cold, but we warmed up with hot tea and buckwheat porridge. I am very glad I agreed to the excursion.

Данный пост я должна была опубликовать еще в октябре. Но из-за нехватки времени я как-то забыла об этом. Сегодня я покажу фотографии, которые я сделала, когда ездила на экскурсию в соседний старый город Кыштым. Город богат своей историй, там появилась первая больница, церковь, усадьба и самое красивое в данной местности это горы.  И, конечно же, мы забирались на самую вершину, чтобы насладиться прекрасным видом с гор. 500 метров в высоту стоили того, чтобы увидеть нереальную красоту.  Правда погода нас немного подвела, было очень холодно, но нас согревали, горячим чаем и гречневой кашей. Я очень рада, что согласилась на эту поездку. 


Saturday, 21 November 2015

Alongside my review of some fun Blippo stuff  »BLIPPO KAWAII BOX ♡ , I am excited to announce that you can win some cute goodies for yourself. I've partnered with blippo to give you the chance to win these Squishy Panda Charm and Hello Kitty Beauty Scissors and Felt House Lamb Stickers

The only rules are that the first two entries are mandatory so they must be done. The giveaway is international so no need to worry about that! You will be contacted by Kawaii Box if you win and they will send you the parcel! Good Luck!!


»blippo kawaii box ♡

Friday, 20 November 2015

Recently I received a small box with kawaii goodies from blippo . You might know Blippo from the popular kawaii box , but they also sell kawaii plushes, magazines, straps, candy, bags and much more.
The first item that I picked was this Pony pen. I like the design because it looks cute, but not too childish.
Also I have a great love of stickers. And then it's the right thing for students, bloggers and business people. Not to forget the details, you can write on the sticker and affix in a prominent place.
Stickers Panda. I love pandas and when I saw on the website these stickers, I realized that it was to be mine. And now I hold in my hand. Lord, I'm just obsessed with them.
And last funny thing,I will give my little niece. It's edible dough, to make him cookies and eat. The Interesting thing for young children.


»TRENDSETTER SUNDAY | marianna makela ♡

Friday, 13 November 2015

Marianne started blogging in 2006 and has become one of the most prominent bloggers in Finland. Marianne loves to travel, tries his hand as a journalist and takes photographs.   The style of Marianne feminine and comfortable, her favorite boutique Zara. Lately the girl is experimenting with  old things, coming up with new combinations and interpretations. In the footwear collection of Marianne predominant footwear color black — this Shoe is easy to combine with different accessories, besides, it's a classic that always looks great.

Blog Mariannan


Wednesday, 11 November 2015

I have not visited this blog. Can't even find the reason why I didn't write the posts. Perhaps it's laziness or that this was not inspiration . Now almost the middle of November, the snow came the cold.I'm already completely in anticipation of the winter holidays. In all the shops already sells Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, garlands. Slowly the city is decorated with garlands. I can not wait when i will be, at home with family and decorate the Christmas tree, but to get home, you need to pass the exams and defend a thesis paper. Today he ran into the store, I bought a cute Christmas Notepad, in which I decided, I will write down all for  blog, ideas, date, posts, etc. Such a cute Notepad with bears, in blue color just pleasing to the eye. Generally, I like things associated with Christmas or new year. On my laptop  a lot of Christmas pictures. That's not such a big post after a long absence. 
And you are already waiting for the holidays?
Давно я не появлялась на блоге. Даже не могу найти причину, почему не писала посты. Наверное, дело было в лени или в том, что у меня совершенно не было идей. Сейчас уже почти середина ноября, за окном лежит снег, и наступили холода. Я уже полностью в предвкушении  зимних праздников. Во всех магазинах уже продаются новогодние украшения, елки, гирлянды. Город потихоньку украшают гирляндами. Жду не дождусь, когда окажусь, дома в кругу семьи и буду украшать елку, но чтобы попасть домой, нужно сдать  зачеты и защитить курсовой проект. Сегодня забежав в магазин, я купила милый новогодний блокнот, в который решила, буду записывать все для блога, идеи, даты постов и тд. Такой милый блокнот с мишками, в голубом цвете просто радует глаз. Вообще люблю вещи связанные с рождеством или новым годом. На моем ноутбуке сохранено много рождественских картинок. Кажется, мне пора лечится от зависимости фотографий. Вот такой не большой пост после отсутствия. 
А вы уже ждете праздники? 
