» WISHLIST | dresslily ♡

Friday, 30 September 2016

Hello my dears ♥
A new post wishlist from me with links to cool stuff. Go to and buy these cute things at a low price. Tomorrow goes cool challenge for 20 days. Hope you like it. Tell us how was the first month of autumn? 

» makeup brushes ♡

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

As you may have guessed from the title of this little post is solely about makeups brush. 
Store kindly sent me their  eye blending brush set last week to try out and review, which is super nice of them. I am really grateful. I love the colour scheme of these brushes, they are so bright and playful and so darn cute!!  
They feel sturdy in your hand but also lightweight enough to be able to control the brushes whilst using them. 

Can I just say... The bristles... OMG they are SOOOOOOO soft!!! I don't think I have ever felt anything like it.

Seriously, you need to feel them!! In fact you can get yours Here for $4.37. 
Oh wait, what is this? They are currently on sale for $4.37.. GO GO GO!!!  

» Happy | OUTFIT POST ♡

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Ok. At the last time I was a very bad blogger. I just scored on all social networks. It's time to return to the blog. Now September. Autumn. You know, I love autumn. Despite the cold, the rain, but I love autumn. Behind the bright colors, for beautiful sunsets, for beautiful foliage on the trees, for warm hoodies and for large scarves. Damn, autumn is just as beautiful. Despite the fact that it's already been almost half of September the weather is still warm, but the nights are already cold. And in one of these warm days, I got out with friends to the make some photos.  That day I was wearing a gray T-shirt with the store " rosegal " with the inscription "Happy" black leather backpack with the same store " rosegal " and blue jeans from Zara, on my feet I wore simple shoes "Adidas".

Ок. Что-то в последнее время я совсем выбыла из жизни блогера.  Просто, я забила на все социальные сети и проводила последний месяц лета очень насыщенно. Но я увлеклась весельем. Что же пора возвращаться на блог. Уже сентябрь. Осень. Знаете, я люблю осень. Даже несмотря на холода, на дождь, но я люблю осень. За яркие краски, за красивые закаты, за красивую листву на деревья, за теплые толстовки и большие шарфы. Черт,да осень так же прекрасна, как и лето. Несмотря на то, что уже прошло почти половина сентября погода еще теплая,но вечера уже холодные. И в один из таких теплых дней, я выбралась с подругами сделать пару фотографий. В тот день на мне была серая футболка  с магазина rosegal  с надписью "Happy" , черный кожаный рюкзак так же с магазина rosegal и  синие джинсы от Zara, на ноги я одела простые кроссовки "Adidas".
