»Daily Blog:Depression or I'm returning on the blog? ♡

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Every time I sit down at my laptop hoping to write a post, I have not ideas. Sometimes i have are photos, but no text, and sometimes Vice versa. I just got lost somewhere in search of inspiration. Even the summer does not help. Maybe, because the exams? Or is it the environment that surrounds me? But in the meantime to change the situation I can not, and finances do not allow. 

In my life, so much has happened, that everything has changed. If I used to think that the summer will hold with friends, now I have to back home and look for work. And I decided to leave university. I decided to transfer to distance learning. But it is considered a study? 

I became depressed because of all these changes and problems that have accumulated in my life. It's my fault that i made a hasty decision and sincerely hope that these changes only for the better. And I hope very much that I will often write on the blog. And may God give me lots of inspiration.

With love,Tanya