»Photo Diary♡

Friday, 29 January 2016

I will share with you my photos from winter Park. I love this winter Park. He's a wonderful. As much as I love the cold, but winter still my favorite season. Recently I became more often to take photos of nature. It's even noticeable on my profile in instagram. Already I with all my heart and soul look forward to spring. But while I enjoy winter views. And my vacation got extended a week because of the quarantine across the country.

»Elastic band for hair♡

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Today we will talk about silicone band that gained popularity among bloggers and ordinary people. And so my opinion:
1. Bright and unusual
2.Colors for every taste
3. Very interesting design
4.Keeps excellent hair
5. The lungs are not felt on the hair
And one minus -Quickly loses its shape and stretches
Very pleased with these rubber bands. Use already not for the first time. Decided to buy a few pieces just in case. I recommend to all! Do not hurt the hair. Not expensive and stylish!


Tuesday, 19 January 2016



Monday, 18 January 2016

At least until spring for 2 more months, but I so want spring already. Today I decided to make a compilation of things that would like to purchase in the spring. My wish list from the website dresslink . I think wishlist looks very stylish!

Хоть до весны еще 2 месяца, но всей душой я уже живу в весне. Сегодня я решила сделать подборку вещей, которые хотела бы приобрести к весне. Мой wishlist с сайта dresslink. Мне нравится сочетания пальто с этими классными ботинками. Думаю wishlist смотрится очень стильно!

» born pretty | new products ♡

Friday, 15 January 2016

Recently I received a package with cosmetics. Two palettes, one with shadows and one with the correctors for the face. My happiness knew no bounds. I love these palettes and have tried them. Sister made me a cool makeover. You can see in the photo! I didn't think, that the concealer can give such a cool effect. And these shadows-my special love. I never liked and never used the shadows, but now is the time for a change. By the way, in the photo you can see my new hair color. I decided to make highlights and so far I'm happy with the result. And Yes forgot to mention that I added my favorite red lipstick.I'm so happy with the result. Thank you my sister хх

»The thirst for new hair ♡

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

The new year is a chance to start all over again. But not necessarily to start with the New year. This year I want a very cool change, to change externally and internally. To act and not to procrastinate. And my first change is the hair. Ha-ha, it's a little weird, perhaps, but want to change your hairstyle. Yes, I always makean experiment with my hair. And here two years and Ihaven't touched them and realized that I had enough of it. It's high time they give the freshness, so I want to lighten my hairWish me luck!