»Bracelet from Soufeel ♡

Friday, 23 October 2015

I want to share my impressions of the Soufeel bracelet. The premise was to me about 2 weeks. The product warranty and possibility to return the product, within 365 days! Everything was packaged in neat branded boxes! The company Soufeel free shipping for orders over 50$, so you can feel free to order a bracelet and charms to someone as a gift. Well, let's start the most interesting – bracelet-basis. Chose the bracelet – classical flexible. But size I chose not immediately. In the end, I chose 17cm. Bracelet with hand subsides, but not too small. Special attention should be paid to the clasp. Very sturdy lock will not open accidentally, don't worry. I note that all the charms and even the clasp of the bracelet was packaged very neatly in bags, I think you have already noticed, excellent quality products! 925 sterling silver.

FOR EVERY MEMORABLE DAY -joint photograph is my most desired charm. Now, you can enjoy own charm with your photo - you can choose the design and picture on the official website. You can pick up a completely different design, it can be charm in the shape of a heart, square, round, various inscriptions, the charm pendant and several other options. Upload your photo, create its charm and boldly add to cart, you will receive a tiny little miracle with your photos together! By the way, this idea can serve as a great gift for a friend, mom, girlfriend and other significant people for you.

I love to photograph everything that surrounds me. And so it was that from Soufeel for sale is a camera charm, reminiscent of my hobby is camera,made of silver 925. That's how the charm looks on a bracelet

I love dolphins.So I chose this dolphin. It looks very nice. Can't stop looking at this charm. The charm is 925 sterling silver.
The charm postage stamp.I am a lover of postcards, could not pass by this charm. The postcard reminds me about summer and about the postcards. It's so great. It is also worth stamp 925 sample.
And the last charm of my air sign libra. I'm Libra and have always wanted something associated with it. And when I saw this charm, I decided to order. I am very pleased. And as you can see, I did not pick the charms in one theme. Decided that I wanted variety. I very happy.Thanks Soufeel .The company Soufeel gives an extra 5% off coupon code: BLOG5, you can save additional 5% on any orders.


Monday, 19 October 2015

Hi! Today post will be about books that me gave sister on my 21st birthday. I always thought that the book is the best gift.I like to read it is a paper book, feel the pages and  breathe smell the new book. And recently in my little collection appeared  3 books. Thanks sister, she always knows what to give me.
The first book I wanted to buy a very long time and here she is now with me. The author is a blogger Zoe Sugg "Girl Online". Don't worry, I won't give spoilers. Maybe,  many people haven't read it yet. I recommend everyone to read this book, believe me you will like it. This is one of those books,  I would read again and again. If You have read write Your opinion about this book!?

The second book "love, Rosie". You've probably heard about this book and about the movie. I watched the movie and read the book, but I wanted a book in a paper version. And now she's in my arms. I like the format of writing the book.  This is a delightful novel, about the fate of two people destined to be together. But fate is a tricky thing and despite all the difficulties, everything ends happy ending. The film became one of my favorites. And the book forever in my heart

And the last book "Enchanted Forest" book for creativity and inspiration. 
This is book Art therapy! The book has many drawings with small details. This coloring on a single sheet will take 5-6 hours. More specifically about this book I can't tell yet. Because I have no pencils to draw. As soon as I get the pencils, I'll write up a post or even  video. Also this book can will be seen on my instagram.


»The Age of Adaline ♡

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Yesterday I watched a new drama, which recently came out in theaters. The drama is called "the age of Adeline" with Blake lively in the lead role. Honestly, I hesitated a long time to see this movie, and I'm glad I watched it. The film is a story about a girl named Adelina. Adelina was born in the twentieth century and she was forever young. But then she meets the love and everything changes. I'm not going to tell you , better look at it yourself :)
And today I would like to show footage from the film, which I really liked. I'll start with Image 1 : I really liked these two dresses. Look stylish on the beach or in rainy weather, no one bothers. And I think it's very good outfits. The most I like outerwear. Coat and cloak my favorites in this outfit. 2 the picture: yes, don't be surprised about the wedding dress. I enjoyed it very much. Lace plays a major role, but 2 dress just looks gorgeous with a black belt. This dress is perfect for any output and, for example, in a restaurant. 3 picture of everyday outfits. In the first picture I liked the combination of sweater and skirt. Looks pretty stylish and cute. But, and 2 outfit more similar to the style of a sailor. Short dress matches perfectly with the jacket. And the main highlight of attached hair. Overall, the stylists are well thought out images. I recommend to see this movie.
 Вчера я посмотрела новую мелодраму, которая недавно вышла в кинопрокате. Мелодрама называется «Век Адалин» с Блейк Лайвли в главных ролях. Честно, я долго сомневалась на счет просмотра этого фильма и я рада, что посмотрела его.  В фильме история о девушке по имени Адалин, у которой был секрет от всех. Адалин родилась в XX веке  и никогда не старела. Но затем она встречает любовь и все меняется. Я не буду рассказывать коротко, посмотрите лучше сами :)
  И сегодня я хотела бы показать  образы с фильма, которые мне очень всего понравились. Начну с 1 изображения : Мне очень понравились два этих наряда. Выглядеть стильно возле моря или в дождливую погоду никто не мешает. И я думаю тут очень удачные образы. Больше всего в этих образах мне нравится верхняя одежда. Пальто и плащ мои фавориты в этом образе.  На 2 картинке платья и да не удивляйтесь свадебному платью. Мне оно очень понравилось. Кружева играют главную роль, но а 2 платье просто шикарно смотрится с небольшим вырезом и черным поясом. Такое платье идеально подойдет для какого-нибудь выход а, например в ресторан.  На  3 картинке повседневные наряды.  В первом образе мне понравилось сочетание свитера и юбки. Смотрится довольно стильно и мило. Но, а 2 наряд похоже больше на стиль моряка. Интересное и не длинное платье  с рисунком идеально сочетается с такой кофточкой. И главную изюминку придает прическа. Кстати о прическах, в этом фильме прическам уделяли не мало внимание. Да и в целом стилисты хорошо продумали образы. Рекомендую посмотреть этот фильм и вдохновиться.

»Q&A #3 ♡

Thursday, 15 October 2015

 QUESTIONS: What cosmetics you use every day?
mascara, eyebrow pencil and lip balm

QUESTIONS:What makes you continue to blog?
readers, the inspiration and desire

QUESTIONS:Favorite TV program?
America’s Next Top Model

QUESTIONS:Where do you get inspiration?
instagram, tumblr, blog, youtube and weheartit

QUESTIONS:Are you working on?
no, but my blog is my job

I invite you all to leave any questions you have in the comments below, whether it's about blogging, beauty, life, style, or just something random and silly. Also, make sure to leave a link to your blog so I can link back to you when I answer your question(s). Feel free to ask as many as you want - I'll answer all questions.

»How to find inspiration? ♡

Friday, 9 October 2015

Today I want to tell you about such things as inspiration. In my life often there are moments when I have no inspiration, it can be associated with the weather or with an inactive life. And so today I will talk about how I'm looking for inspiration on websites, blogs.
We hear it - this is my favorite site. It is a cool website with lots of pictures. You can also upload your photos to inspire others. On this site, I registered a long time ago.

Instagram - is my favorite. I love not only to lay out there photos, but also view other people's pictures. Mostly I'm follow the bloggers. Instagram is very inspiring to me.

Blogs – I love to read blogs and look at pictures. I like blogs with vivid photo. Some ideas for the blog I learn from other bloggers. All blogs are individual. Probably the most time I spend reading the posts.

На YouTube –  well , who doesn't like to watch videos? I'm getting a great flow of inspiration. Most often, I like to watch a video about shopping and make-up,routine. I watch Zoella, Bethany Mota.

Films/series/ music – and why not? There are many movies that inspire, make to do something. My favorite movie is "Paris at any price", series: "Teen Wolf", "pretty little liars" , "big time rush".

This is exactly where I draw inspiration. Also I like to communicate with other bloggers on Twitter and listen to advice. Write, where do you get inspiration! It will be interesting to read.


Friday, 2 October 2015

Don't have new photos, I decided to write a wishlist post for the autumn. It is now October and very cold . Where I live, this morning was +1. The sharp temperature drop may affect health. So i will be stock up on warm sweaters. So today I will show things that would like to purchase for the cold of autumn.
And you've already bought a warm sweater?