»lady queen | NEW PRODUCTS*

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Better late than never. And so I write long-awaited long-awaited post about the parcel. After studying today received the parcel, in which lay a cute pink bathing suit and cute lipstick. All came from the site ladyqueen.com . For personal reasons I was unable to pick up the package before. And so let's talk about the swimsuit. This bathing suit I ordered in size s, color pink. The quality of the swimsuit is great, nowhere excess rows. Everything is as it should be. The fabric of the leotard is lycra / spandex. High stretchy soft fabric makes you sexy and comfortable.
 And the lip gloss in the form of cupcakes. It is not much, in a beautiful jar. Color - strawberry. I really liked the design. Shine moisturizes lips. Long-wearing, also  you will need a lip brush. In General, I am delighted with  parcel.



Thursday, 17 September 2015

I love to write posts in the morning, when the head is still clogged different thoughts, and with a fresh mind could think. So grab a mug of hot tea or cocoa and make yourself comfortable.
Today I will tell how I spend the morning. I like to read  posts and watch the video "Morning routine" of course, it would be easier to shoot video. But to write such a post I like more.
The first thing I do when I Wake up is look out the window , if the sun is shining, I smile a new day.  Then I check social networks, instagram, email, twitter, vk. After  I  immediately go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, sometimes with lemon. Then, of course, I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.
Breakfast. For Breakfast I usually eat oatmeal with fruit pieces. Oatmeal is  it is much more useful. Sometimes i  make toast, just fried bread soaked in a bowl with egg and milk ( I'll write the recipe separately) . From drinks I prefer tea, rarely drink coffee.
Sipping tea, I sit down at the laptop and i  answer emails/comments and are i read the blogs. Favorite blogs I open the first 
After all this, I turn to makeup. I already did a post about makeup routine, I'll leave the link »MY EVERYDAY MAKEUP ROUTINE 
In the morning I don't have much time, but I try to be positive, to feel calm all day.   Let me know in the comments how you spend your morning. I will be interested to know.

» 21st Birthday Wishlist ♡

Monday, 14 September 2015

Its my 21st birthday is in exactly 30 days, so I decided to make a small note . Obviously, I'm not going to get all these things, but sort of a list for myself for when I go shopping I know what I really want.
I will not describe in detail every thing. It is just those things that I most want at the moment.Hope will get them.
 If you have tried any of these products please let me know what you're opinion was on them as I don't want to get something that may not be as good as I expect it to be.
And when's your birthday?


Friday, 11 September 2015

Hi. The second week came to an end. Surprisingly it went too fast. I'm used to get up early! However the weather again not pleased us. Practically the whole week was warm, the temperature skyrocketed to +30. And now it's raining outside and over +10. From such a sudden drop of temperature can lead to disease. I hope it will pass me by. So, what pleased me this week?
1. The schedule of classes at the Institute. It is wonderful when you need to go to the Institute to 12 o'clock. I can sleep longer, make a delicious Breakfast.
2. Postal parcel. As I wrote earlier, I received the parcel. This has made me very happy this week.
3. I found a photo booth to print photos from instagram. Finally!!! Now you can print beautiful photos from your instagram, and pin them on a Board of inspiration.
4.Movies. I recently went to the movie "Fantastic four." Awesome, easy and funny. And Yes, I again revisit favorite movie is "the Fault in our stars". Happy owner of a disk, which by the way won.
5. A manicure. I think every girl dreams of a beautiful manicure and I am no exception. But I was lucky, I don't have to go to a salon and pay money for it. And all because my sister's manicurist . Lucky as lucky :)
These are the things that pleased me this week. Ahead of the weekend , guide them perfectly. And write me in the comments, what made you happy this week!?

»Chanel Chance Eau Vive ♡

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Today will be a review on Chanel chance eau Vive. 
What was my delight, from first zilch! So light and sweet smell. Frankly, I don't know how to describe the smells. But this smell is so, so...I can't even think of a word. You know, it's a scent that lifts the mood and makes you happy. The durability of the fragrance is just awesome, so long does not keep even one perfume!. Under a chance eau Vive wants to wear a long silk dress, chic jewelry, hairpins  and to go with your loved on for a romantic dinner under the open sky.
Minimalistic and elegant round bottle. It is made of thick transparent glass. Cover - square, plastic, closes with a click. At the top of the Chanel logo. The spray works very well even with one zilch sprayed impressive amount of flavor.
Quality chance perfume "Chanel chance eau Vive" is very good. Flavor I like, so fresh, persistent. So I recommend it, of course, he can't please everyone. As they say on taste and color.


»My Everyday Makeup Routine ♡

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Today I thought I want to share with you my "everyday" makeup routine. I love to apply makeup, but I'm lazy sometimes. Therefore, use a minimum of makeup. Well, let's see what I use?!
After I washed my face I use my primer from Maybelline New York. I already wrote about the primer in the previous post.
 After I applied the primer, I use the concealer "essence" to hide the bags under the eyes and redness. Sometimes, I also use Foundation MAC, but sometimes I can get by with just concealer.
For eyebrows, I use a pencil "Coup De GENIE" in the brown shade and I use the gel for eyebrows.
After my face is ready, I turn to the carcass. I use mascara "Fairy Girl", which i ordered from the site. I like that it makes my eyelashes lush and long.
And finally my lips. At the moment I have become increasingly used MAC lipstick. Sometimes I use lip balm from NIVEA or Baby Lips. I really like MAC color. I am pleased with this purchase like a baby. Baby lips I use for a long time, I like this gloss and finally  inivea balm i use of this brand for two years already. I really like!! 
these were my  products for  everyday makeup routine. . Hope you enjoyed this post!