Monday, 24 August 2015

Hey. Long I did a post about the little things. And favorite things I've accumulated quite a lot. And today I'm going to talk about cosmetics. The other day I and mommy shopped things for learning and, of course, i has not passed by showcase with cosmetics.
Lipstick from MAC. I've always wanted to buy a lipstick of such firm, dream came true idiot. I love this lipstick, it looks as natural on my lips.  ( I will make a video of my makeup)

Concealer from essence "stay natural". Plastic bottle with a brush, which is tightly closed with a lid. The tassel is soft and pleasant to the touch. When using is not scratched or pricked. I was completely satisfied with the effect. Dark circles become less visible. This concealer does not settle into fine wrinkles. Overall, on the skin it looks natural and unnoticeable. The coating is not dense, so, summer is on it. The whole day is kept on the skin and will not disappear.

Primer from Maybelline. Now finally I got it! I'm happy with the purchase! The packaging is very convenient with a dispenser in the form of a spout. The design is lovely. Slides easily and spread evenly over the skin. Does not cause discomfort. No "mask" and severity. Does not clog pores. After application the skin is very smooth, velvety and soft. 



Sunday, 23 August 2015

Hey. You know I'm a bad blogger. Didn't write here for so long, but I have so much going on. Yes and it's almost the end of summer, it's time to get ready on study, and I still have to go to another country. So today I'm doing a tag about summer. I hope you enjoy it.

1. What's your favourite thing about summer?
Sun. I love to sit in the sun and catch the warm rays

2. Do you have a favourite summer drink?
not long ago I found a cool beverage. Cold coffee with ice.This is the best drink almost as in Starbucks

3. Is there a special place you like to visit each summer?
I've never been in the journey, but I would like to visit a beautiful beach

4. Whats your favourite make up look for summer?
I almost never wear makeup in the summer.I believe that the face must relax summer

5. Dresses or skirts?
shorts. haha, but in the summer I love to wear shorts

6. Festivals or Holidays?
I choose the festivals. I think the festivals is more interesting, fun. You can listen to music, dance with friends

7. Whats your signature summer hairstyle?
messy bun. It is quite convenient and easy hairstyle

8. What's your signature summer scent?
I found a great summer perfume.Unfortunately the photo I did not.

9. Favourite music for summer?
♪ Pitbull – time of our lives (feat. Ne-Yo)
♪ Imagine Dragons – Gold
♪ Daughter – Get Lucky
♪ Wanted – in the middle
♪ Little Mix – Black Magic
♪ Wisin - Que Viva la Vida
♪ Fat Cat Cinema – Nothing At All
♪ Ciara - Dance Like We’re Making Love

10. Pool or Beach?
As I said above I want to visit a beautiful beach. So of course I would choose the beach. Watching on the beach  the sunsets - little dream


Saturday, 15 August 2015

I have already written about the style of people who inspire me. Today I decided to write about the style of the girl who inspires me in everything. We all know this girl from the TV series "pretty little liars" in the role of Hanna Marin. Yes, I'm talking about Ashley Benson. She's my idol. Ashley is an incredibly stylish girl who has elegant taste. Miss Benson, belongs to the category of people who don't follow the trend, but creating it. Ashley prefers to wear black pants accompanied by a coat or leather jacket, decoration for her is always this is a purse and shoes.
Ashley demonstrates her wonderful sense of style not only in public, but in real life, and we can enjoy the photographs from the paparazzi. The actress often appears in public in beautiful dresses, but on the streets you can often see her in black leather jackets and boots with studs. Girl loves grunge, you may notice immediately, but still, the blonde sure likes to show off dresses at various events. This diversity can not remain indifferent.

»Morning post! ♡

Friday, 7 August 2015

Good Saturday morning everyone! Morning is really good, and all because I decided to treat my family to a tasty Breakfast. Prepared the most delicious pancakes with frozen strawberry jam. It was the most delicious Breakfast in the world. 
Today will not be posts about clothes or cosmetics. It will simply be a conversational post. I will tell you about their plans and so on. Soon be in the middle of August, and that means that very soon school starts. After 3 weeks, I will  collect things  to university. Honestly, I really want are already in the University. I'm the kind of person that I find it easier to go to study than sit at home. I like to study, to learn something new. In the summer I'm too vain not sitting, taught English. 
Now let's talk about your blog. My posts lately are not what I want. maybe  not have inspiration or just need a break. I don't know why. Once school starts in the Institute, the posts will  when I have the material. I know it sounds sad, but maybe the blog will come to life? By the way what you like to read more in your blog? Judging by my statistics most pageviews on cosmetics. And I even thought about  cosmetics, reviews, etc. But I still want to stick with the status "lifestyle blogger". Okay, I still have time to think about it. 
Oops, sat charging the laptop . So, I have to finish my post and run away to do household chores. I hope this post was interesting for You. Have a good weekend.

Доброе субботнее утро всем! Сегодня утро действительно доброе, а все, потому что я решила побаловать свою семью вкусным завтраком.  Приготовила самые вкусные панкейки с замороженным клубничным джемом.  Это был самый вкусный завтрак в мире.

Сегодня не будет постов о нарядах или косметике. Это просто будет разговорный пост. Я расскажу о своих планах и тд. Скоро уже будет середина августа, а это значит, что совсем скоро начнется учеба. Через 3 недели мне собирать вещи и ехать на учебу. Честно, я очень хочу уже в университет. Я такой человек, что мне проще ходить на учебу,  чем сидеть дома. Мне нравится учиться, узнавать что-то новое. Летом я тоже зря не сидела, учила английский.

Теперь  поговорим о блоге. Мои посты в последнее время не такие как я хочу.  Возможно, у меня нет вдохновения, либо просто нужен перерыв. Я не знаю в чем причина. Но с наступлением учебы мои посты будут выходить, как только будет материал.  Знаю, это звучит грустно, но может тогда  блог оживет?  Кстати  о чем вы любите больше читать в блоге?  Если судить по моей статистике больше всего просмотров набирают посты о косметики. И я даже думала о том, чтобы писать, о косметике, обзорах и тд.  Но мне все-таки хочется придерживаться статуса «lifestyle blogger». Ладно, у меня еще есть время над этим подумать. 

Упс, зарядка моего ноутбука садиться.  Значит, мне пора закруглять с постом и бежать делать домашние дела.  Надеюсь, этот пост был интересен вам. Хороших выходных, всем.  

»Hello August! | Outfit post ♡

Monday, 3 August 2015

Due to the holidays I completely forgot about the time. Yes, Hello August! And oddly enough the beginning of August was very hot than the previous 2 months. So, not missing a hot day, I got out of the closet dress and went for a walk. To the dress was picked up sandals with a small heel, a friend made light curls and voila outfit of the day ready. This outfit I came up with on the occasion of the Birthday of the beloved city. Of course, heels later changed to ballet flats. After all, dancing in heels is not convenient, do you agree? I loved the combination of simple things. Looks stylish and is quite beautiful.
 What do you think of my outfit?

Из-за праздников и многих дел я совсем забыла о времени. Да, привет август! И так сегодня уже понедельник 3 августа. И как не странно начала августа выдалась довольно жарким, чем предыдущие 2 месяца. Так что, не упуская жаркого дня, я достала из шкафа платье и пошла гулять. К легкому летнему платье добавила босоножки на небольшой каблуке, подруга сделала легкие локоны и вуаля наряд дня готов. Хорошо, что погода 1 августа была нормальной. Такой наряд я придумала по случаю Дня Рождения Любимого Города. Конечно, каблуки потом сменила на балетки. Потому что танцевать на каблуках не совсем удобно, согласитесь?  Мне очень понравилось сочетание простых вещей. Выглядит стильно и довольно красиво.  
Что вы думаете по поводу моего наряда?
