» ask me a question

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Hey ,using the free time, I decided to write a small post . The evening was pretty boring, series ,computer. Tomorrow is the last day of exams and I'm going back home for some time. I decided to spend the weekend without Internet and gadgets. So I'm not going to take a camera and a laptop. The title of the post speaks for itself, you ask different questions in the comments and I'll try to answer them in the next post, or vice versa.. As soon as I arrive back  I will write a post. 
So ask questions and good night  ❤

Hi ,используя свободное время, я решила написать небольшой пост . Вечер был довольно скучным, сериал, компьютер и еда . Завтра последний день экзаменов и я собираюсь вернуться домой на некоторое время. Я решила провести каникулы без интернета и гаджетов. Так что я не собираюсь брать фотоаппарат и ноутбук. Название поста говорит само за себя, вы задаете разные вопросы в комментариях и я постараюсь ответить на них в следующем посте, или наоборот.. как только я приеду обратно, я буду писать пост. 
Поэтому задавайте вопросы и спокойной ночи < 3


Saturday, 10 January 2015

Gift bags  - recently, I began to collect gift bags.They are so beautiful haha. This is so weird..I have not so much, but still. There are also people,like me ? Who is collecting gift bags?

Books - I love reading. As far as I remember, I all the time used to read a lot. From an early age I fell in love with books and now I love them more and more. On the  photo favorite books "Eat,Pray,Love" Elizabeth Gilbert and "the Time of my life" Cecelia Ahern.

Earrings - Oh,these earrings.I found them in the store purely by accident and immediately fell in love with them.They   beautiful. Well how can you get past them? I have a lot of jewelry, but these earrings the most. It seems that they became the favourites of this month. True beauty? 

Perfume - show me one person who doesn't like perfume. There is such? Don't think, but I'm a big fan of spirits. Especially love sweet smells. I had about five spirits, but they all ended. And these gave my sister for the New year. This tester perfume, the smell is very sweet and I like them. 

We heart it  - is the most favorite application. There's so much inspiration. I day and night ready to sit there. Such pictures, photo.They are so inspiring. Thanks to the creators. If you are on this site, let me know. Leave links in the comments and on Tumblr.

What little things are making you happy at the minute?

» Hello 2015

Monday, 5 January 2015

Happy New Year to all my lovely blog readers!  I feel that 2015 is going to be a good year for everyone! I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your love and support through 2014. I can't believe how far my blog has come in such a shot space of time and it is all down to you guys! A lot of exciting things coming in 2015 and I can't wait to share them all with you.

Love and hugs!