»[September] Instagram

Monday, 30 September 2013

What a crazy month it's been! Tomorrow it will be the 1st of October, my birthday 14th october , and whilst I cannot wait for October to come around I must say that I have really enjoyed September. 
Autumn was crazy. I enjoyed every day. There were a lot of events. For example,  one of them, I bought the boots dreams. ha ha
I love autumn nature in a special way. I like the range of colors in autumn. This is so cool! And lastly, but of course not least, I hit 83 followers on my blog and am on the way to 100!! 
It's been a splendid month, I hope yours was just as good! 
See you in October you beauts x

»20 facts about me tag

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Hey guys!
I saw this tag and thought it looked fun. Have fun learning a little more about me and my life! :)
1. I love anything that's pink or floral
2. Watermelon is my favourite fruit
3. I hate being tickled
4. I only like funny films
5. I spend too much time on instagram
6. I broke my right arm when I was 14
7. I have the loudest, ugliest laughter ever
8. This blog is my big secret. Only a handful of people know about it.
9. I write with my right hand
10. I have one younger brother . We get along most some of the time.
11. I am very close with my mum. We tell each other everything, and even talk about sex lives etc.
12. I dont have a specific handwriting. It changes all the time.
13. I hate mayonnaise. I cant eat anything with it
14. I am the oldest child.
15. I hate cold weather
16. My celebs  - One Direction, Demi lovato  and Selena Gomez
 17. I love to draw.
18. One day I want to swim with dolphins.
19. I sneeze when I'm cold, tired, or look into bright lights.
20. I love this blog and all of you guys! Thank you so much for supporting me and helping me grow into a confident person! I love all of your sweet comments. They really mean a lot :) I couldn't have imagined I'd love blogging this much and enjoy talking to all of you. Thank you so much for the 6000  views!

I hope you enjoyed this and learned a little more about me :)


»Dreams Come True

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Hello! Сегодня у нас с мамой был шопинг. Купили кое-что из косметики и   обувь своей мечты:D. Давно мечтал о них, после того как увидел у  Перри из группы "Little mix". Боже я счастлив:D. Знаете,  счастлива читать коментарии об предыдущем посте. Я так рада что вам нравится! Стараюсь делать свой блог лучше. И мне кажется это получается! У меня еще есть куча идей! Надеюсь все будет :)

Hello! Today I'm doing with my mom shopping. I bought some things on my makeup and shoes in my life long dream :). Dreams into reality. This shoe is the same as Perry, as I like to buy them, and finally I got them. And it happened that is why I am very happy: D. 
You know, happy to read the comments to the previous post. I'm so glad you like! I'm trying to make your blog better. And I think it's possible! I still have a lot of ideas! I hope that everything will be :)


Sunday, 15 September 2013

It occured to me the other day that since starting my blog, I've never wrote a 'Whats in my Bag' post. Can you believe it? As one of the most popular posts on blogs and videos on Youtube, I really don't know why I've not done it sooner. It could be because the contents of my bag are utterly boring but hey, its nice to be nosy from time to time isn't it?
Let me tell you about the contents of my bag! First things first, the essentials. I always carry my  purse  which contains my money and cards, my  phone  without which I cannot go anywhere. Other than the 'can't leave the house without' essentials  been using currently is Avon's marbelised lip gloss in 'Pink Sunset' and it tastes delicious. I always have a hand cream in my bag too as I often get dry hands. I always wear a fragrance with you.A couple of things that have escaped my current handbag but are normally my 'blogging book' which  I use it for jotting down blog post ideas when they pop to mind.

I hope you enjoyed having a little peek into my bag. Like I said earlier, there's nothing exciting in there so I hope I haven't bored you stupid.

What do you carry around in your handbag? Any essentials I'm missing?
Что вы носить с собой в сумочке?
Lots of Love,

»health Day

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Привет всем :)
Как прошла первая учебная неделя? Надеюсь хорошо. Лично у меня все хорошо. Мы уже начинали готовиться к главному экзамену. я уже волнуюсь. Нужно запомнить  100 вопросов с ответами. Омг. я не смогу. :(
Сегодня, а точнее 7 августа   праздник день здоровья. В этот день все студенты   выходят  на стадион города. Отчет в фотках :)
Всем добра <3

Hello everyone :)
How was the first school week? I hope good. Personally, I'm fine. We have already started to prepare for the main exam. I'm worried. Need to remember the 100 questions with answers. OMG. I can not. (
Today, more precisely on August 7 day holiday health. On this day, all the students  go to the stadium of the city. A report in the pics :)
All good <3

»Hello September or autumn outfit

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Учеба уже началась. Пока легко, но скоро нас завалят по полной. Так как 4 курс , экзамены, практика и диплом. Но об этом говорить еще рано. За окном уже осень. Дни становятся холодней. Уже все достали теплые вещи. Осенью я обожаю шарфы и теплые свитеры.
Сегодня предлагаю посмотреть пару outfit, которые мне понравились. 

Study begin. While easy, after 2 weeks will be difficult. 4 course, exams, practice and diploma. Too early to talk about it.
 The days are getting colder. Already got all warm things. In the autumn I love scarves and warm sweaters.
Today, take a look a couple of outfit, which I liked.
